Perry4Law and Perry4Law Techno-Legal Base (PTLB) are world renowned names in the “Techno-Legal” field. Perry4Law has been receiving numerous requests for techno-legal coaching, training and education in the fields like cyber law, cyber forensics, cyber security, etc. To cater the growing demands for qualitative techno-legal education in India and abroad, the coaching, training and education segment of PTLB has been launched.
Although the areas, objectives, functions and services of PTLB are much wider and too broad to be mentioned and discussed here, this platform would discuss the very limited and just one of the aspects of the same. The readers of this platform must appreciate that this platform would cover the issues regarding “Online Cyber Law Coaching, Training and Education” alone.
Through this platform we would be discussing the news, views, important notices, available courses, student’s and professional’s information, etc of the same. Other aspects and services of PTLB would be announced separately and subsequently. For full list of the functions and services of PTLB, kindly visit the PTLB Blog.
For availing an early spot for the limited available seats, kindly consult the “Cyber Law Education Segment” of PTLB. No communication unrelated to this platform or made in an inappropriate manner would be entertained at all.
If you are interested in Cyber Law Coaching In India, Cyber Law Training In India, Cyber Law Education In India, etc, this is the right place and right platform.
To enroll for any of these Courses and Trainings, fill in the “Application Form” and send the same to us at the Address mentioned therein along with “Prescribe Fees”. See FAQs before applying.
See PTLB E-learning Platform for more details.
Laws Of Domicile In India
Laws of domicile are scattered in India and are shaped by different laws
and judicial precedents. This has made the concept of domicile technical
and compl...
2 years ago